Thursday, March 12, 2009

Who will weep with me?

The Father is asking His believers, "Who will go to the place of weeping? Who will hear the cries of the broken hearted and cry out for them?"

I just wanted to share not only the goodness of God with you all, but what He is doing through our ExodusCry prayer group here in Arkansas. ExodusCry first started with me walking towards an information table at a conference and not even really knowing why I was... I was given more information on the new ministry and started to commit time weekly to go on the behalf of the women and children in the sex trade. And with out doing really anything, (because when its God's thing it works like that) this quiet prayer time has went from just me on my bed praying to God, to ten people tonight singing, and weeping, and praying, and declaring God's power. He is raising up an army of believers. We are the army that choose to press into the dark, to the lonely, to the desperate, and call out to a higher power.

At the beginning of our prayer tonight God started moving in my heart and letting me experience some of the pain of what it means to be a woman in the sex trade. I started to feel the burden of what it really means to be taken advantage of... and we started to pray and sing out in a group to God. Then, one of the great prayer warriors in the group got on her face and started sobbing. This continued for minutes upon minutes, not ending. In my heart I was moved, but did want it to end. But it didn't end. And then I too said yes to go with God to the place of weeping. He asked me if I was sure I wanted to go there, and I said yes. In His strength, I could see the things that He sees every day. I could hear the prayers that He is always hearing.

And then there was a women. Probably only a few years older than me, and she had sores all over the lower half of her body. I thought maybe it was an STD or an infection that had gone untreated.

Then I saw the young girl, who's persecutor was old enough to be her father. Her mouth was covered. She was silenced.

I saw the middle aged woman, who had longed her whole life to be a mother. But watched herself have abortion after abortion after abortion. Baby after baby after baby that she would have kept... was ripped away. Because of her job. Her job to service whoever whenever.

Then I saw the toddler... being raised in the brothel.

Then I saw the bruises.

Then I saw that they aren't just physically hurt. Or emotionally hurt. Or spiritually hurt.

They are in a place of utter destruction. And its because of us.

We have left God, He has never left us. He says again and again... "I will never leave my people"

And we cry from this place. We beg God to send His righteous mercy and judgement down. We as the bride cry from this place... Open the scroll Jesus! Come back. Come and get your bride. We are aching for your return. We love you. We need you. Abba, look at the mess we have made, and most of us either won't admit it, or even go into the place of complete brokenness. We don't like the suffering. But in the suffering is where the Groom meets His bride. In the desperate place comes the intimacy. Our hands drip with myrrh as we share in the sufferings of Christ. If we don't share in His suffering, we will never share in His comfort.

The very God of this Universe became man. So He, could be stripped of all pride, all dignity, all comforts. The very God died naked and bruised and spit on. He died while others walked by. He died while others laughed. He became shame. He became our sins.

He is asking, "Who will weep with me?"


  1. I weep with Him, also. These tears are our safety. XO

  2. My Dear,

    I never knew that you actually started seeing the women and children. That night God allowed us to see and feel. In a society driven by pleasure and "feel goods", only grace enables us to ask God to let us feel the burden, the heaviness, the darkness AGAIN. To the world this is foolishness. To us this submission to a Master, a Maker, a King, a Bridegroom. I've never desired to be radical or a fanatic but I am, but I won't turn back because by His grace I am empowered to stay in this place, His presence. How can one explain the joy that comes from suffering with the Lord?? I pray that if ever physical suffering might come that His promise of peace, comfort, and joy would still be true.

    Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Oh how long for an eternal morning of joy! Lord Come!
