Thursday, January 22, 2009

We Need to Have Our Hearts Broken.

I'm not trying to be the crazy extremist. But then again, maybe I should be. During my prayer time this week for Svay Pak, Cambodia I started thinking about the girls in this village. A village who's whole economy is resting on how often they can sell themselves. Its not uncommon for these girls to have to service up to 40 men a day.

When we hear these things, we might be shocked, maybe sad, maybe moved to say a prayer. But are our hearts really broken?? Why when we see a picture of another sad little girl across the ocean, do we feel bad but not broken? We might feel guilty, but is her hardened heart so devastating to us, that it causes us to break? To fall at the feet of Christ and beg for His intervention. For Him to send justice to the oppressed.

I started thinking, maybe we'd get the point if it really concerned us. Maybe that's the whole point. In my human nature and in my selfishness, I can not be broken unless it directly involves myself.

I work at The Boys and Girls Club here in Siloam Springs, AR. Lets say that for now, this is no longer a boys and girls club. Now, this club is a brothel. The young girls ranging from 5-18 now live at the club, or brothel. And, all of Siloam's economy is ran by men visiting this brothel. These girls, not mattering their age or anything about their worth, if and when chosen must do whatever the men of our town say. And the parents? The parents are putting their children there. They need the money. And our police? The police visit these girls too. They are in it. It helps our economy. It helps their sexual desire. Everyone is paid. Everyone is happy. Oh, and pedophiles from all over the world now travel to visit our small town. To have their wildest fantasies fulfilled.

This is what is happening in Cambodia. This is the exact story.

Why is the news so much harder to hear when it is in America? Are we broken now? Wouldn't we be trying to get those girls out? Wouldn't we be praying for their hearts and their awful situation?

I pray that God would break my heart. That He would break all of our hearts.

That we would see the severity of the situation.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Exodus Cry:The Mission Briefing from Exodus Cry on Vimeo.

Svay Pak, Cambodia

If a drop of your love,
could fall upon Cambodia.
If a drop of your mercy,
could make the flowers once again grow.
If a drop of your redemption,
could break the hardened hearts.

The hearts of each brown eyed girl,
The hearts terrorized by prostitution.

If a drop of your love, 
could fall upon Cambodia.
and make the flowers grow.
and shine beauty in darkness.
To bring beauty from ashes.

Beauty seen by the creator.
Beauty in love instead of lust.

If a drop of your love,
could fall upon Cambodia.
and break the hardened hearts.
and soften to bring redemption.